
Showing posts with the label exchange

Is possible to use Crypto as Collateral for Loan ?

  A cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange that is digital, encrypted, and decentralized. Unlike the U.S. Dollar or the Euro, there is no central authority that manages and maintains the value of a cryptocurrency. Instead, these tasks are broadly distributed among a cryptocurrency’s users via the internet. You can use crypto to buy regular goods and services, although most people invest in cryptocurrencies as they would in other assets, like stocks or precious metals. While cryptocurrency is a novel and exciting asset class, it can also be used as collateral for a loan. Yes! it's Possible😀 by using YouHodler . YouHodler is a website that provides the following products: - crypto wallet - loans with crypto as collateral - crypto saving accounts - crypto exchange The YouHodler Wallet allows you to store crypto, accumulate interest and pay at any time. The wallet is available for iOS and Android. YouHodler also allows users to continue holding crypto while they also need access to c