Avoiding HDD(Hard Disk Drive) crash

 hard disk drive (HDD), hard diskhard drive, or fixed disk is a  data storage device that uses magnetic storage to store and retrieve digital information

hard disk drive failure occurs when a hard disk drive malfunctions and the stored information cannot be accessed with a properly configured computer.
A hard disk failure may occur in the course of normal operation, or due to an external factor such as exposure to fire or water or high magnetic fields or suffering a sharp impact or environmental contamination, which can lead to a head crash.
Hard drives may also be rendered inoperable through data corruption, disruption or destruction of the hard drive's master boot record, or through malware deliberately destroying the disk's contents.

 Let's talk about some steps to care for the health of your drives.
1. Back Up
First and foremost what you need to do when you realize your drive is crashing is to backup your data somewhere. Backup or the process of backing up refers to the copying and archiving of computer data so it may be used to restore the original after a data loss. Back up your data regularly.

2. Check the surrounding Environment
PCs are built in such a way that they need a cool and good surroundings. Some PCs get hot when found in places with zero air circulation whiles others too don't but eventually get hot thereby thus shortening the lifespan of the internal components including the Hard Disk Drive.
Instead of shoving those machines into tight, unventilated spaces, putting them on beds, give them plenty of breathing room.

3. Install a powerful Anti-Virus
It's very important to know that some viruses can damage or crash your Hard Disk Drive. So it's best to install a powerful Anti-Virus when you notice your hard drive is crashing or prevent it from crashing. Examples of some powerful anti-viruses are AVG, Bit-defender, Avira...etc.


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